Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Roadbumps and Candyland

Well kids, looks like Comic-Con will not be happening this year. We decided to refund our passes since we were unable to get tickets for the Saturday. I like to think of this project as postponed rather than cancelled - I still have big plans for Comic-Con and fully intend to see them through completion. That chapter will just have to come a little later now.

In other news, I am engaged to my boyfriend and we are starting to think about planning our wedding! As exciting as this is we are going to have to keep it on the back burner while I focus on my job search, which has in fact taken an unexpected twist recently. I have had so many positive interviews where I was sure I'd gotten the job, however they have always fallen through in the end. While I figured this was a normal product of our current economy, my apparent incompetance was still getting on my nerves so my mom suggested that I recruit someone to call my previous employer to see what sort of reference he was giving me.
I worked with Lordco Auto Parts for almost three years fresh out of high school. I was a very good cashier, and after two years was promoted to head cashier. I had a decent amount of responsibility preparing the daily balance paperwork, working out discrepencies, and basically managing the cash department. I also had a really good track record for sales: I ranked high in company-wide sales incentives a number of times, winning gift cards and vacations in the process. My performance reviews had always been positive.

I had a friend of mine who runs his own business offer to call my ex-manager as if he were considering hiring me for a sales position with his company. Well - Miles gave me quite the manipulative review. It was generally positive, but he worked in that I was "absent-minded", that he would not rehire me for sales, only as a cashier, and that I was "a different type of person". What is that supposed to mean anyway, that I am a "different" type of person? Different from whom? This was completely unexpected to me; however after talking with a few of my old co-workers I discovered that Miles had apparently taken to badmouthing his former employees and that I was not the only one who had experienced this type of petty injustice. That's pretty low, hey?

I immediately removed his name from my resume and have since been hired for a temporary position with a marketing company as a demo artist for Maybelline and I'll be promoting their new Fit Me line in Wal-Marts across the lower mainland of British Columbia. It's for three weeks, four days a week, and I start tomorrow.

Things are looking brighter already, and I've been having lots of fun doing Model Mayhem photoshoots with my soon-to-be-sister-in-law, who is very pretty and likes to model. With more job searching and a trip to Calgary for my Gramdpa's 80th birthday coming up, and eventually a wedding on the horizon, there is a lot to look forward to (and I still need to make time for my side projects!).

Ciao <3

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