Friday, October 14, 2011

I Went Viral!

Nothing to do with makeup - but on my other YouTube channel. It's called SpaceLisaa and it's where I post my personl videos. As you know, I'm currently living in Vancouver. We love our hockey here, and June 15th was the Stanley Cup Final between the Boston Bruins and Vancouver Canucks. Vancouver lost.

Riots happen all over the world and for a whole host of different reasons. The riot on June 15th was initiated by a group of people who specifically set out to start a riot and were fueled by drunken teenage boys and angry bludgering idiots. They got caught up in testosterone and mob mentality, reasoning that because all hell had already broken loose this was their one chance to tap into their primative instincts and destroy everything with no consequence. How very wrong they were. In the age of social media, people like myself who were downtown that afternoon captured the violence on camera. My fiance and I each had a camcorder and between the two cameras, I was able to put together a compilation of the riot:

Part of the reason the video went viral was because I edited it immediately after arriving home. I had it uploaded to YouTube by 5:30 am the next morning and posted links on a few riot related facebook pages. As of today this video has 262,534 views. Unfortunately someone else decided to steal the last portion of my video (three girls defending their BMW) and upload it to their youtube channel. It was removed due to copyright but only after he'd reeled in a quarter million views. I have the same clip on my channel and between both of my videos I've got 435,832 total upload views. If you add the copyrighted video that means that this footage has been watched about 750,000 times. Pretty crazy, eh?

So what happens when a video goes viral?

Not much, but I had three things come of it: First, I got a phone call from the Washington Post in Washington DC, wanting to do a phone interview. Aleksandr and I were then featured in this article. Secondly, I got an invitation from Youtube to form a partnership for the video. I chose not to, only because I didn't want it to get flagged as inappropriate - I want everyone to be able to watch it without having to sign in to YouTube. I wouldn't have considered this except that the clip of the girls defending their car got flagged, and it's the same video! Thirdly, I got an email from MTV Canada asking for permission to use some of my footage in a show they aired called Impact: Riot!. Check it out, my name is in the credits! The opinions of some of the people on that show really pissed me off though. The Vancouver riots were NOT about an underlying political corruption, or making a stand against unemployment in Vancouver! Dumbasses.
Next step: Make Fillabula go viral! Haha. I did get an unexpected email this morning from YouTube offering a partnership for my Fillabula channel, which I found extremely bizarre. Especially since it's for the whole channel, not just the video. My one lonely upload so far (my Witch Elf video) has only has 9,681 views... hardly anything in YouTube world.

So far just setting the stage for more to come, hopefully I can entertain a few people with what I do, even if it is just my friends and family for now =)

Ciao <3